
Marion Ximena Ochoa Hidalgo

16 years old

Student at ITESM’s Multicultural high school

During this semester, I learn a lot about the real meaning of health and the multiple choises that we have to achieve it, but mostly that health is achiveable, and that diseases work like a biological alarm that tells us when something is wrong.

Finaly, the main point isn’t to be able to create a new medical system or to sen and expedition to Mars, but to understand health itself, its main characteristics, consequences and how to maintain it. To be capable of understand our body as a whole and work with it as such. That would make the difference.

Personal Family Risk Analysis: http://prezi.com/0hk9kwgdz5rv/my-familys-medical-history-marion-ximena-ochoa-hidalgo/


Kryshia Campos Reza Gtz.

17 years old

Student at ITESM’s Multicultural high school

In my personal opinion, this Project change us in all aspects, we have grow, change our points of view, search in all kind of books and mentalize that this is not just a Project, it really could happen in a near future and we have to know how are we going to go through it.

However, this Project wasn’t only about the futur, it focuses in the present, what are we doing with our body? do we take proper care of it? what can we do? this are the main questions that we have search inderectly during the Project of this semester, so now that we know that prevention is so much better tan just wait to treat the disease we can search for certain balance in our habits to have a better and healthier life.

We have to take care of ourselves not only phisically, but mentally and socially.

Personal Family Risk Analysis


Karla Patricia Magaña Pérez

17 years old

Student at ITESM’s Multicultural high school

During this semester, I had a lot of difficulties. This project help me to get organize, to take care about me, and to think bigger. To know that theres is not only one choice, and thta you can have multiple choices from one problem and to solve it.

Because this project wasn’t very easy I think that we learn to think, and thats one of the habilities we need more now a days. To learn to convive with other people specially if that people is different from you, but to know at the end that you do your best, and that finally you get it.

Personal Family Risk Analysis


Fernanda Urteaga Zambrano

16 years old

Student at ITESM’s Multicultural high school

For the last two semesters we had two interdisciplinary projects that made us grow a lot, or so the teachers always told us, but we didn’t realize how much we have grown until we look back to all that we did and realized we’d changed, even if just slightly. I see this project, same as the previous one, as a project that has various approaches. They are called interdisciplinary  for obvious reasons, they are a mix of different topics and different abilities that we were supposed to develop along the way. On the science approach we learned about our health, the meaning of health, and what we need to stay healthy. On the other side, using all the concepts of critical thinking, we became aware of: methods and ways of how we can analyze and reason information, the difference of beliefs and knowledge, fallacies that surround us, etc. Last but not least we continued working on teamwork abilities and responsibilities. That’s just a summary of all we learned this semester.

Personal Family Risk Analysis