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Before all the technology and chemical industry from our western modern health system, in several cultures around the world, a lot of health systems had been created, even before we started to care about medicine and health improvement. Ayurveda, as Dr. Brennan tells in an interview,(from the Sanskrit root Ayu meaning life and veda meaning pure knowledge) is the traditional health care system of India, which has been around for millennia although it was repressed during the era of colonialism.

More than 5,000 thousend years ago, in India, a really complex of natural healing system arrose, the ayurvedic system. Also Known as “Ayurveda” which in sanskrit means “science of life”, refers to a comprehensive view of the human being, where the body and mind are colsely related and mutually influenced.

What is Ayurveda good for?

The goal of Ayurvedic medicine is to prevent diseases. Studies have suggested that Ayurveda may be effective at reducing the risk of heart disease. For example, one study found that Ayurveda helped reduce plaque and reverse the thickening of artery walls known as atherosclerosis in both healthy adults, as well as adults at high risk for heart disease. Atherosclerosis is a slow, complex disease in which cholesterol, fats, and other substances build up in the inner lining of an artery. This build-up, known as plaque, can lead to heart attack and stroke.

According to this system, the body takes its shape from the conscience, because it’s in there were we are capable to produce an enormous amount of changes in the organism, like healing diseases and pospose aging.

both chinese and tibetan medicine have their roots in ayurveda.

About Traditional Chinese medicine, this method  is as practical as it’s theorical. it was developed 4,000 years ago, and has extended  through the world during this periond of time. now days there is no place on earth where traditional chinese medicine is not applied.

For Traditional Chinese Medicine, health and disease are conceived as energetic terms, only by integrating the energy in a positive way and an adequate physical, mental, psychological and spiritual athmosphere the human will be healthy.

The fundamental pillar of this health system is the “Chi” (energy) that flows thoughout the body.

to consider a person heathy, the Chi must flow in perfect harmony though its body.

The TCM view of how the human body works, what causes illness, and how to treat illness is different from Western medicine concepts. Although TCM is used by the American public, scientific evidence of its effectiveness is, for the most part, limited. Acupuncture has the largest body of evidence and is considered safe if practiced correctly. Some Chinese herbal remedies may be safe, but others may not be.


“Ayurveda.” The Chopra Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2013. <http://www.chopra.com/our-services/ayurveda&gt;.

“Dr Donn Brennan: The Ayurvedic Approach to Health.” Dr Donn Brennan: The Ayurvedic Approach to Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2013. <http://www.maharishi.co.uk/selfcare/dr-donn-brennan-the-ayurvedic-approach-to-health.htm&gt;.

“China’s Healthcare: The Case for a Joint Approach.” [1]|chinadaily.com.cn.  <http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2012-08/15/content_15676300.htm&gt;.